Guidelines to Authors for Publication in the University of Aden Journal for Natural and Applied Sciences
• The University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences is published two times per year (April and August).
• The Journal publishes basic and applied refereed research articles in the following fields of Natural and Applied Sciences:
- Basic Sciences
- Medical and Biological Sciences
- Engineering and Technological sciences
- Agriculture and Environment Sciences
• It is essential that the article will never have been published or sent for publication elsewhere. The researcher shall send three copies including the original.
• Any manuscript submitted for publishing in the Journal will be subject to Evaluation according to the established scientific rules by two highly qualified specialists in the subject matter of the research. A third one may be added to those two if necessary.
• The Editorial Board reserves all rights to make stylistic and/or grammatical changes.
• Although the referee's decisions regarding suitability for publication are final, the Editorial Board reserves the right to accept or not to accept the paper for publication.
• Manuscripts will not be returned to the authors whether accepted or not.
• If the author chooses to withdraw his article after it has been assessed, he would reimburse the "Aden University Journal for Natural and Applied Sciences" with the
cost of reviewing the paper.
• All authors will be given one issue of the journal in which their paper appeared and 10 reprints of the published paper.
• To cover the above expenses in addition to mail expenses authors in Yemen outside The University of Aden are kindly requested to pay an amount of YR 15000 (Fifteen thousand Yemeni Rials) to cover some of the expenses of publishing, reviewing, and editorial charge. Authors outside Yemen are kindly requested to pay $100 (One Hundred US Dollars) to be sent to the "University of Aden Journal for Natural and Applies Sciences" AC. No. 556547, National Bank of Yemen - Aidroos Branch, Crater, Aden, Republic of Yemen.
• All manuscripts and Journal – related correspondence should be sent to the following address:
Prof. Dr. Mohmmed Abdulla Hussein. (Editor –in– Chief)
University of Aden, Khormaksar, P.O. Box 6312
Aden – Republic of Yemen Tel: 967-2-239774 Fax. : +967 – 2 – 239774
E-mail: [email protected]
Rules Governing the Preparation of Manuscript for Publishing in the Journal
1. Each manuscript must be clearly written on a computer and in double space text on one face of the paper (size A4). A margin of 3 cm must be left on both sides of the page. The manuscript must not exceed 15 pages including the tables, diagrams, photographs, and references.
2. The accepted paper should be submitted in its final form in a CD written in MS-WORD together with two copies of the manuscript.
3. The manuscript must be written in Arabic. Researchers, however, may send their work in English.
4. The manuscript must include:
- An abstract in Arabic and English is not more than 300 and 200 words, respectively. Followed by 3-5 keywords.
- An Introduction.
- Materials and methods of the research.
- Results.
- Discussion – Results and discussion could be pooled together in one section.
- Acknowledgement, if necessary.
- References.
5. The journal can also publish “ short communications ” Those, however, will not require the above classification. Such short communications do normally consist of 2-3 pages and should be accompanied by an abstract in both languages of not more than 100 words. The journal has the right to publish the paper either as a research paper or in short communication.
6. Tables and diagrams must be numbered serially according to their place in the manuscript providing that each table be typed on a separate paper using the same serial number shown in the manuscript. The Table must include a plain title at the top, that interprets its contents. The contents should be written with a minimum font size of 10. It is preferable that Table – related margins be appeared on the Table in the form of the upper letters starting with the letters (A) for every Table provided that the meaning of each letter be referred to at the bottom of the Table.
7. The diagrams, layouts, and graphs must be drawn on transparent paper using black ink.
8. Diagram or figure explanations should be printed on separate papers. The size of each figure must range between 4x6 cm and 9x18 cm. They can also be drawn using Computer Software and placed in the text. The title of the figure or photo should be written at the bottom of each.
9. Only black and white photographs will be accepted. They should be clear, neat, and printed on vernished shiny papers. The size of each photograph should not exceed 5x 8 cm. It is possible also to scan the photos directly in the text.
10. Scientific (Latin) names of the plants, animals, insects, micro-organisms … etc must be written in italics, so as to distinguish them from the remaining of the text. The chemicals (insecticides, drugs, etc. should be given their common names and not their commercial ones.
11. The metric system must be used in all the measurements.
12. All references indicated in the manuscript must be referred to and written at the end of the manuscript in the original language in which they were written or published. All references must be arranged alphabetically at the end of the paper and numbered. The references should be written as follows:
13. References in the article must be referred to in the text as numbers and put in brackets according to their serial numbers in the reference list.
14. Each reference should start with the family name of the author, and be followed by forenames, or, only the initials of his first name or name of the organization. Followed by the year of publication, the title of the article paper and the name of the Journal or place of publication, the volume and number of pages (16 – 20). Following given some examples of common references:
1. Articles in a Journal
AL- Hadrani, A.M., S.AL- Aulqi, and A.M.Qubati ( 2000 ). Breast cancer in Yemeni women. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 4(1): 185-192.
2. Books
AL-Jaroo, Sh. and M.A. AL-Attas (1999). Manufacturing Technology. Textbook series No. (3). Aden University P&P House 211pp.
3. Chapters in a Book
Serjeant, R.B.(1974). The cultivation of cereal in medieval Yemen, pp 25–74 In: Arabian Studies. R.B. Serjeant and R.L. Bidwell (editors). Middle East Centre, University of Cambridge 182 pp.
4. Proceedings
Miller, A.G. and M. Ba-Zara,a (1999). The conservation status of the flora of Socotran Archipelago. pp. 92-122. In: Proceedings of the First International Scientific Symposium on Socotra island: Present & Future 24-28 March 1996. Vol. 2. University of Aden, Aden, Yemen.
5. Theses
Salem, G.S.H. (1998). Patient satisfaction regarding medical care in a public health institution, Aden Governorate. MSc. Thesis, Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Aden, Aden, Yemen. 105pp.