Applications of GIS for morphometric and hydrologic analysis of drainage basins of Hidibu Plan – Socotra Island
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 22 No. 2 (2018),
Page 337-349
This study presented an applied model for the use of geographic information system GIS in the construction of geographical database of the morphometric characteristics of their drainage systems in the Haidibu-Socotra Island area to obtain an understanding of hydrological characteristics. The study has been concluded with a number of findings. As a result, the morphological analysis was carried out for the three main basins of Hidibuplain, namely Wadi Fardahaa basin, covering 28 km2, Wadi Danajn basin, covering 15.3 km2, Wadi Sawaq Basin, covering 43 km2. The study of the morphological characteristics of drainage basins in the Hidibu area found that they all are in the growing stage. The large number of gorges, undulation of watershed divides, rectangular shape, are good evidences about growing stage of drainage basins in the study area. Due to that, the arrival of the flood is delayed after the storm. The study revealed that, low value of Texture Topography and coarse shape ofdrainage basins, due to the dominance of the structure rifting, showed the large number of faults and joints that contributed to increased leakage and reduced runoff. The study recommended that the flow at downstream of the catchment areas must be regulated, especially in the lower part of Fardahaa basin that crosses the highly populated city in the island (Haidibou city). The study also recommended the necessity of establishing water measuring stations in the wadis for the purpose of regulating water flow and utilization in agriculture and other human uses.
Hydro-morphometric Characteristics, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Geographic Information System (GIS), Haidibu-Socotra Island
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