On certain P2-Like and P\(^*\)-Generalized BK-Recurrent Finsler Space
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 21 No. 1 (2017),
Page 163-169
In the present paper, we study certain types of generalized BK-recurrent Finsler space, we shall introduce a definition for a generalized BK-recurrent space to be P2-like space and P*- space, respectively. We shall call them P2- like generalized BK-recurrent space and P*-generalized BK-recurrent space, respectively. Different theorems concerning these spaces, we also plan to obtain some identities in these spaces.
Finsler space, P2-like generalized BK-recurrent space, P\(^*\)-generalized BK-recurrent space
How to Cite
Abdo, F. Y., & Baleedi, S. M. (2017). On certain P2-Like and P\(^*\)-Generalized BK-Recurrent Finsler Space. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 21(1), 163–169. https://doi.org/10.47372/uajnas.2017.n1.a16
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