Uterine rupture: Afive year review at Al-sadaqa teaching hospital, Aden
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 21 No. 2 (2017),
Page 379-387
The aim of the study is to determine the frequency, related risk factors, management modalities and feto- maternal outcome of uterine rupture. This is a retrospective descriptive study using data from the medical birth registration at Al-Sadaqa Teaching Hospital, Aden, during a period of five years from 1st Jan 2012 to 31st December 2016. Out of 31905 deliveries over the study period from 1st of Jan 2012 – 31st of Dec 2016, 84 cases had uterine rupture, giving an incidence of 0.26% or 1 in 323 deliveries. Maternal age group 20 – 34 years represented (58.3%), and gestational ageof 37 – 42 weeks represented (84.5%), regarding the parity (69.0%) having (1-3 children), (50.0%) were with one scar, while previous two scars and history of no scars represented by (21.4%) and (22.6%) respectively, and (6.0%) have three scars. Antenatal scar ˂ 4 visits found in (60.7%), while (39.3%) having ≥ 4 visits. Most cases of rupture uterus (81.0%) were occurred intra partum. Big baby constitutes 27.4%,mal presentation and mal position was 19.0%, short inter-pregnancy interval less than one year was 16.7%,labour induced by uterotonic agent represented by 10.7%, from them 5 cases were outside our hospital, 4 of them on scared uterus. Contracted pelvis occur in 9.5%, obstructed labour and delayed in receiving intra hospital medical care registered 6.0% for each one. Finally congenital uterine abnormalities and abdominal trauma represented the lowest percentage 1.2% for each one. Unfortunately there were two cases died due to rupture uterus. About 66.7% delivered alive babies and 33.3% of babies were lost. Repair was done for 75.0%, subtotal hysterectomy was done for 19.0%. Repair with tubal ligation and total hysterectomy were done for 2.4% for each one.
Contracted pelvis, cesarean section, hysterectomy, obstructed labor, uterine rupture, uterotonic agent
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