Effect of some powders (plants and mineral) and storage methods on the germination for seeds of Sorghum bicolor (L.)Moench
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 23 No. 2 (2019),
Page 293-304
For one year, during this research was carried in two season during (2016/2017, 2017/2018) in the Food and After-harvest Technical Center laboratory in KhawrMaksar, Aden, by using the powders of (Azadiracta indica leaves, Capsicum annum result, Acacia tortilis ash and Mineral rocks) Which used in an average of 25gm/kg seeds as well as storing tools (metal, plastics, jiut). The laboratory tests were done during 3,6,9,12 months for the two planting seasons and the results has been analyses by using the factorial experiment conducted four times for each operation. The results of this study indicated that Azadiracta indica is the best for saving these seeds (%95.7,%97.6 respectively), whereas mineral rocks the less effect on saving the planting activity (%94.2,%95.4) respectively of kind of seeds (Sanisalah) of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. The study also indicated that the best containers used for saving seeds very well is the metal containers (%94.9,%95.9 respectively) whereas Jiut sacks were of less effect in saving the planting activity (%92.6,%93.7 respectively). The results of the study showed an interaction between the elements and vessel used; the highest effect was in maintaining the vitality of seeds germination treated with nemm powder and stored in metal containers for the two seasons (%92.6,%93.2 respectively) and the lowest effect was in seeds treated with mineral rock powder and stored in Jiut sacks for the first and second seasons (%90.9,%91.0). Also, the results indicated that the percentage of planting seeds was reduced as the storing period increased after (3) months becoming (%96.6,%97.1) and after 12 months became %91.9,%92.25 respectively for the two seasons. Depending on the results of the statisticians analysis of the Sanisalah, the planting rate, after one year from storage period of the two seasons in Sanisalah, it become %93.822, %95.621.
Plant Powders, Mineral rocks, Store tools, Activity of Sorghumbicolor seeds (Sanisalah)
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