Effect of smoking process grinded plant parts in controlling VarroajacobsoniOud on the honey bee at two sites in Abyan province
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 20 No. 1 (2016),
Page 1-7
In order to find safe alternatives in controlling varroa parasite and reducing its spread. An experiment was carried out during the 2014/2015 season. The study focused on the effect of smoking grinded some plant extracts on honey bee (Yemen stain Apis mellifera jemenitica) to control varroa parasite Varroa jacobsoniOud. The study was done in two sites. The first site is located in Elkod region and the second is in Gawala region. It included the following treatments: (1) grinded pepper seeds Capsicum annum (2) crushed mint leaves, Mentha piperita(3) grinded coriander seeds Coriandrum sativamL. (4) grinded fenugreek seeds, Trigonella foenum- graecum (5) untreated control by using five grams of each treatment were used and crunched in cinerated by the smoker. Then cells were smoked once every five days during November and December 2014. In addition this was repeated in January and February 2015 in both sites. The Coriander seeds results showed that all studied treatments, have performed significantly on control, in both sites. The average rate of deaths increased in varroa parasite (157 and 120.9 and 146.1 and 110%, according to the order of treatments, respectively, compared to control). The highest numbers of varroa parasite densities were recorded in November 2014. The lowest numbers were recorded in February 2015, in both sites. The highest values were given from grinded pepper seeds which significantly surpassed to all other treatments, during the period of the study in both sites. This was followed by the treatment of crunched coriander seeds that converged in the influence with the first treatment on varroa parasite during the study without significant differences, in both sites. The density of the varroa parasite significantly was higher in Gawala site, which increased 24.1% as compared to Elkod site. The interaction between treatments and sites did not reached to significant limits.
varroa parasite, Honey bee, Fumigation, Botanical parts, control, Abyan province
How to Cite
Kamander ب. م. س., & Fadel س. م. (2016). Effect of smoking process grinded plant parts in controlling VarroajacobsoniOud on the honey bee at two sites in Abyan province. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 20(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.47372/uajnas.2016.n1.a01
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