Distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons in sea water of the Aden city -Yemen
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 20 No. 1 (2016),
Page 151-158
This study is to determine the concentration and distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons residual in sea water in the coast of the city of Aden, Yemen, during three seasons: the first was in the period from 11 to 14 July 2014, the second was in December 2014, and the last was during March 2015,where the use of a gas chromatography and spectroflourometer to determine the characteristics of the hydrocarbons extracted. The results confirmed the concentration of hydrocarbons levels with regard the coast of to the city of Aden. The results showed that the concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in water ranging from 0.688715in Gold Mohour to 15.891754 µ /L in the refineries area, with an average concentration of 6.3269 µg /L. The study revealed that the level of hydrocarbons in sea water of the coast of thecity of Aden is close to the levels of petroleum hydrocarbons in the region and other parts of the world , after comparing their results with other regions of the world, which showed that it is low/ within the range in the permissible limits.
Concentration, Petroleum Hydrocarbons, Gas chromatographic, spectroflourometer, Gulf of Aden, Yemen
How to Cite
Siam, E. I., Al-Matari, B. Y., & Al-Shwafi, N. A. (2016). Distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons in sea water of the Aden city -Yemen. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 20(1), 151–158. https://doi.org/10.47372/uajnas.2016.n1.a12
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