Multi-drug resistant of Escherichia coli isolated from urinary tract infections
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 20 No. 1 (2016),
Page 221-226
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the commonest bacterial infections caused by microbial invasion of tissue lining the urinary tract. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is the primary etiologic agent of UTI, also antimicrobial resistance is an evolving and growing problem in UTI. The aim of this study is toaimed to determine the prevalence of antibiotic resistant of E. coli among outpatients with UTI in Mukalla city, Hadhramout-Yemen. Mid-stream urine specimens were collected, aseptically cultured, and the isolates were identified by using standard microbiological techniques. Antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed by disk diffusion method. Of the 295 urine samples, the total growth E. coli was 29 (78.38%) of the total positive samples (37). Of total antibiotics used, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, cefotaxime and cefuroxime sodium showed the highest resistance to E. coli with 82.76%, 72.41% and 65.52% respectively, while75.86% of the isolates were susceptible to co-trimoxazole. The study revealed that high resistant and multi-resistant of the urinary E. coli isolates to antibiotics. Co-trimoxazole was the most effective antibiotic on E. coli isolates in this study.
UTI, E. coli, Antimicrobial susceptibility, Outpatients
How to Cite
Bin Hameed, E. A. (2016). Multi-drug resistant of Escherichia coli isolated from urinary tract infections. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 20(1), 221–226.
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