The storability of Onion (Baftaim improved-1) imported from three agricultural Governorates in Yemen
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2020),
Page 47-56
This study aimed at comparing of storability of onion Baftaim Improved-1 alworad, from three most important governorates in the Republic of Yemen, (Hadramout, Lahj and Abyan) for cultivation during the agricultural season 2017-2018 at Food Research and Post –harvest Center Khormaksar, Aden governorate for three to six months.
The results showed that the percentage of loss in the wet weight and the disease incidence and disease severity of onion rots increases with the duration of storage during the study period.Asignificant superiority was observed in the various indicators tested for onion Baftaim Improved-1 alworad from Hadramout governorate where the percentage of weight loss during the study periods (three, six months) was 8.00% 15.5% respectively the disease incidence of black rot was 5.88% 9.09% respectively and the disease severity of black rot was 2.35,4.55% respectively, And the disease incidence of bacterial soft rot was 1.96% 2.27% respectively, the disease severity of bacterial soft rot was 0.98,1.14% respectively, compared to the results recoded by onion from Lahj and Abyan governorates which showed no significant ststistical differences.
Onion crop (Baftaim Improved-1), Curing, Storage, Black rot, Soft rot
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