Environmental study of Marshes plants in the Hadramaut coast
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2020),
Page 69-79
The study was conducted between May 2016-August 2017 to identify the vegetation cover in three salt marshes in the Coastal Hadhramout Governorate and the effect of environmental factors on the presence of plants. Randomly quadrats methods were used in the survey study for the plant distribution in the study area which was recorded by three marshes (Umbeekha, Alaega and Boyish). The field survey showed that the vegetation cover in the salt marsh was: 82 species, belong to 60 genera and 29 families. There were similarities in the presence of genera and species for some plant families, but the genera and species of Asteraceae was more than the other families where its species was recorded by 11% and the genera by 10%. Whereas shrubs, by appearance, were more, recording by 50%.
Marshes, Environment, plant species, Salinity
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