Study in \(P^h\)- Birecurrent Finsler space
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 22 No. 2 (2018),
Page 439-446
In the present paper, a Finsler space Fn whose Cartan's second curvature tensor P\(_{jkh}^i\) satisfies \(P_{jkh|l|m}^i=a_{lm} P_{jkh}^i, P_{jkh}^i\) ≠0, where \(a_{lm}\) is non-zerocovariant tensor field of second order , is introduced and such space is called as Ph–birecurrentspace and denoted briefly by Ph–BR–Fn. The aim of this paper is to obtain some birecurrent tensors in this space. Also, we introduced Ricci birecurrent space. We proved the projection of some curvature tensors on indicatrix are birecurrent.
Finsler space, P\(^h\)–Birecurrent space, Ricci birecurrent tensor, projection on indicatrix
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