Effect of composite flour of wheat (Buhooth 13) and naked Barley flour on rheological properties and bread-making characteristics
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 21 No. 2 (2017),
Page 257-264
This study was carried out to investigate the effects of partial replacement of wheat flour (Buhooth 13) with naked barely the flour on chemical and rheological of composite flour, and qualitative and organoleptic characteristics of produced bread, using different replacement levels. Different types of composite flour were prepared via partial replacement of wheat flour (5, 15, 25 and 35%) with naked barley flour. Experimental obtained results showed positive relationships between content values (ash, protein, fat and crude fiber) and percentages of naked barley flour. Farinogram properties; such as dough water absorption, development time, stability and degree of softness (degree of resistance to kneading – critical kneading rate) were increased as an amount of replaced level increased. Whereas, Extensogram parameters showed that as naked barley levels increased in the blend, resulted in increased energy, elasticity (resistance to extension of dough), energy of dough and relative number (ratio of resistance to extensibility). Reduction in extensibility of dough was noted as levels of replacement and as fermentation time increased, but it was contributed to reduction in extensibility of dough. In respect of characteristic of bread specific volume, the obtained results showed a significant gradual reduction in values of specific volume as levels of replacement increased Organoleptic evaluation showed an overall reduction in the total sensory characteristics as levels of replacement elevated. Organoleptic evaluation revealed that composite flour with 5% naked barley flour was considered, to be the best treatment since excellent results were recorded, compared with the other treatments; therefore, can be recommended.
Naked Barley Rheological, Bread-Making, Extensogram parameters, Farinogram properties, organoleptic characteristics
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