Designing of classic control system to drive a bridge cranes
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 19 No. 2 (2015),
Page 293-305
Automatic control has a key role in the progress of modern engineering and science, in addition to the great importance in the operation of space and missile guidance and aeronautics ships. Automatic control applications, has become an important and integral part of various industries and engineering equipment such as Bridge crane which is one of the important industrial applications used in carrying cargo from one place to another, thus serving the production processes in factories as installation of industrial equipment. Bridge cranes are used for unloading and loading in warehouses, and are considered as a key element in the mechanization of integrated production processes. So, this kind of cranes has been widely deployed, especially for high loads. Therefore, the importance of knowing the behavior of this type of cranes becomes important in installation phase before real install and investment through the study of vibration loads to reduce as much as possible, by choosing the appropriate speed, the impact of the movement of the dynamic forces on the structure and motion of the crane parts. So we need to design control system to adjust the dynamic behavior, of bridge cranes and damping the load vibration using control theory to have desirable output according to standard specification.
Mathematic Modeling, Bridge crane Model, load vibration, Tuning PID controller
How to Cite
Al-massoud ت., & Alfakhoury ع. ع. (2015). Designing of classic control system to drive a bridge cranes. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 19(2), 293–305.
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