Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with unstable angina and critical coronary stenosis detected by angiography
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 20 No. 1 (2016),
Page 181-191
Certain clinical predictors like age, cardiac biomarker positivity, ST segment depression and congestive heart failure (CCF) can help effectively in predictinghigh risk group patients with critical coronary artery disease. Khat chewing is a significant risk factor for ACS in Yemenite patients, but correlation of heavy Khat chewing with critical artery stenosis in unstable angina (UA) patients is notstudied. The aim of this study is to define the epidemiological and clinicalcharacteristics in UA patients included in this prospective clinical study. Based onthe angiographic findings, patients with UA were classified into 2 groups: Group (I): patients with coronary stenosis (≥70%), significant enough to require PCI or CABG, (n=213) and Group II (control) patients who had insignificant coronary stenosis (≤50%), (n=42). Our results showed that group I patients were more likely to be males, elderly, with a prior history of CAD and MI, heavy khat chewers and in heart failure. Mean of age was 66.54 years, and 78.87 % were males. Age ≥ 65 years was found in 29.11%. Predictors of high risk CAD (critical stenosis) were found to be significantly in group I, compared to group II patients. We concluded that age ≥ 65 years, male gender, aspirin use and heavy Khat chewing during the last week, CCF with EF<35% and elevated Troponin were strong predictors for critical stenosis in UA patients.
unstable angina, clinical predictors, heavy khat chewing
How to Cite
Aman, K. S., & Alsaadi, M. B. M. (2016). Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with unstable angina and critical coronary stenosis detected by angiography. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 20(1), 181–191. https://doi.org/10.47372/uajnas.2016.n1.a14
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