The prevalence of bruxism among students in the Faculty of Dentistry - Aden University
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 20 No. 2 (2016),
Page 437-444
The phenomenon of bruxism affects millions of people throughout the world. Tooth grinding is an activity particularly important to the dentist because of breakage of dental restorations, tooth damage, induction of temporal headache and tempromandibular disorders. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of bruxism among the college students and associated factors.The study was carried out in the Department of Prosthodontic, College of Dentistry University of Aden between the period 2009-2010. Clinical record of 177 healthy students were included in a study sample, they are divided into four groups according to the education levels (from second to fifth year), 15 of them were suffering from bruxism in association to 4 major and 3 minor sign and symptom, analyzed by using statistical tools (SPSS V.15).
The prevalence of bruxism among dental student was 15 cases represented by 8.4% of all cases. The prevalence rate of muscle's pain was in the lateral pterygoid muscle 100%, Medial pterygoid muscle pain, Masseter m. and Trapezium m. pain represented with 40% of the cases and the lowest percentages in temporal m. and Sternomastoid m. pain 20%.
According to sign on hard tissues teeth attrition represented the high percentage with 93.3%, followed by malocclusion with 73.3%, then the restorated teeth with 60% and the tooth sensitivity and mobility with 53.3% and 26.7% respectively then the bone exostosis with 6.7%. According to sign on soft tissues the gingival inflammation represented the high percentage of cases with 93.3%, followed by gingival recession with 80% of the cases, then the tongue dentition with 73.3% and 46.7% of cases with pocket.
Prevalence rate of cases of TMJ respondent by deviation of mandibule was 93.3%, followed by 80% of the cases with pain at TMJ, then 66.7% with clicking, 47% with deflection of mandibule, 40% with opening limitation and 6.7% of cases with loss vertical dimension. The prevalence rate of bruxism associated with anxiety 80%, then patients under psychological treatment 40% and then the patients under antidepressiondruge26.7%.
A large proportion of students with bruxism have potential psychological problems. Female gender, advanced educational levels and hostel residence as well as poor socioeconomic status are predisposing factors for pain severity in masticator muscles.
prevalence rate of Bruxism, sign and symptom, muscle's pain
How to Cite
Ishaq, N. A., Yehya, S., & Alasad , H. M. (2016). The prevalence of bruxism among students in the Faculty of Dentistry - Aden University. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 20(2), 437–444.
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