Ethnobotanic study of wild plants in Al-Dhala city and villages around, Dhala Governorate, Yemen
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 23 No. 1 (2019),
Page 39-53
The study area is located on the south western high lands of Yemen. It is around 245 km south of the capital Sana’a and has a very temperance (atmosphers; climate) and very beautiful Geomorphology nature which contains many plant species. The study was done by using structured questionnaires and interviews with people. The data were recorded by tape recorder after analyzing the study results, it appeared that the people benefit a lot from the wild plants because they are using the majority of the District flora. This study was conducted during the period of July 2016 to February 2017 in the city of Dhala and some of its neighboring villages in the Governorate of Dhala. About 104 plants belonging to 75 genera were identified and 43 family used for different purposes. 69% of the plants were used in the medical treatment, 7% were used in construction, and 24% were used in other different uses.
Al-Dhala, traditional, plant family, Ethnobotany
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