Taxonomic study of Solanales order in Tuban Delta, Lahej Governorate, Yemen
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2020),
Page 81-96
This study deals with the Solanales order taxonomically in Delta Tuban, Lahej governorate, Yemen. The present study has revealed the existence of 21 species within 10 genera belonging to two families of the Solanales. The largest family is: Solanaceae (7 genera and 12 species). This family represents a high percentage 70% of the total genera and 57.14% of the total species of the studied area. The greatest genera recorded were: Solanum and Ipomoea (6 sp. for both), these two genera represent about 57.14% of the total species recorded in the studied area. The vegetative and reproductive characters proved that they are with high taxonomic values in identification and classification at the level of species, genera and families. The vegetative characters include habit and leaf features. The reproductive characters are those of: inflorescence, flower, calyx, corolla, as well as features of stigma. Type of fruit, its diameter and color, were with high taxonomic values in identification and classification at the level of some families, genera and species.
Classification, Solanales Order, genera, species, Tuban delta, Lahej
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