Physicochemical analysis of four medicinal plants and belong to Lamiaceae/Moraceae families grown in Yafae-Yemen
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2020),
Page 99-109
The present work gives view on proximate analysis, namely the content (%) of moisture, ash, non-dissolved ash in acid and dissolved ash in water, proteins, fats, fibers, carbohydrates and extractive values of four local medicinal plants grown in Yafae. Results showed that Plectranthus ambinicus had the highest percentage of moisture, ash, non-dissolved ash in acid and dissolved ash in water in comparison with other investigated plants. Moisture and total ash were found close to previous studies, while a non-dissolved ash in acid and dissolved ash in water have exceeded the ratio observed in other studies. Dorstenia Foetida plant was the most superior in its level of fat (reached 10.78%). Significant differences in protein levels appeared among our plants and the highest percentage of protein (% 4.24 ) was found in D. Foetida that agree with the observed value for D. psilirus. On the other hand, Plectranthus ambinicus has exceeded protein level of what observed in the previous studies for the same plant. Plectranthus asirensis and Lavandula pubescens Decne protein levels were less than that on P. rotundifoliu and L. officinalis plants. The level of carbohydrates in Plectranthus asirensis (4.59%) and Plectranthus ambinicus (8.53%) found to be less than P. mollis and P. esculentus that belong to the same genera. In Lavandula pubescens Decne, the ratio of carbohydrates was low compared with what was found in the previous studies for the same genera. For Dorstenia foetida plant, the ratio of carbohydrates increased more than in what was observed in other studies. Our study concluded the order of extractive values as: P. ambinicus > P. asirensis > D. Foetida> L. pubescens Decne.
Yafae Plants, Proximate Analysis, Medicinal P
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