Water climatic balance in Taiz basin
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 23 No. 1 (2019),
Page 77-85
The research deals the water climatic balance in the Taiz basin because these subjects have not been surveyed before except few. The researcher drew the climatic data from Ossifrah metrological station, in addition to using the equations to count water climatic balance, e.g.: Ivanov equation to count the total evaporation and Thorntwaite equation to count the evapotranspiration. The total evaporation was 2356, 5 mm /year and evapotranspiration was 1333, 1 mm/ year and actual evaporation was 1023, 4 mm /year, and there is not surpluse water in the study area. A change in the annual water storage was zero, that is in total deficit water.
Water balance, Total evaporation, evapotranspiration Actual evaporation, water surpluse, water deficit
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