The stages of accepting articles in the Journal of Aden University of Natural and Applied Sciences

The arbitration stage, the acceptance stage, the printing of articles, and their publication in the journal's quarterly, go through the following steps:

1- Notify the editor’s opinion; (If the file is complete, the article is sent to the editor to specify its scientific level, to determine its compatibility with the main themes of the journal, to specify the judgment, and finally, to seek permission to enter the arbitration stages). The article is sent to the next stage after confirming the editor's positive opinion of the above-mentioned positions. If the article is not accepted by the editor, the article will be presented to the editorial board / editorial committee session to take the final decision on it and issue a letter of non-acceptance by the magazine.

2- Complete censorship of the article in terms of the places mentioned in the journal’s publishing rules and its principles; (If errors are found in the submitted files, or if the author does not comply with the publishing rules and principles, the article will be returned to its author to complete the specified places).

3- Sending to the referee; (If the article files are completed and all publication conditions and rules are fully implemented, the article will be sent to two or three referees simultaneously).

4- Finalize the result of the preliminary arbitration and send it to the clerks for amendments;
      * If the result of the arbitration for two judgments is positive (valid for publication), the writer can make the amendments required by the judgment.
      * If the result of the two arbitrators is negative (not valid for publication); The article will be presented to the editorial board for a final decision. If the judges’ opinions are consistent with those of the editorial committee members, a letter of non-acceptance of the article is issued.

5- Receiving the amendments and sending the article to the final judge; (If the files are completed and the requirements for revision are fulfilled, the article will be sent to one of the previous judges to study the amendments and monitor their quality).

6- Receiving the opinions of the final judgment and presenting the article in the editorial board session to issue and display the final opinion.
      * If the writer completes all the required amendments fully and is supported by the final judgment, the article will be presented to the editorial board session to issue the acceptance paper.
      * If the completed amendments are not supported by the final judgment, the article will be returned to the author. It is noteworthy that this stage is repeated only once. After the writer has made the amendments again, the article will be sent to the final judge for study and oversight. If the last amendments are not supported by the final ruling and have not been accepted, they will be presented in the editorial board session to take a decision on them and issue a non-acceptance paper.

7- Publication and printing of the article. (All articles after they have been revised and paginated and before they are published will be sent to the responsible writer to review and check them and make the necessary changes if needed. Finally, the writer will sign a certificate authorizing the publication and printing of the article).

Note: All correspondence is directed to the responsible writer, and the rest of the writers are only briefed about the stages of sending and evaluation. The magazine does not announce and does not inform about all the steps taken by the article in terms of the outcome of the arbitration, the time of the revision, acceptance, and printing of the article, etc., except for the responsible writer and excluding the other participating writers. The magazine office is unable to answer and respond to the participating writers' questions.