Age and Sex Differences among Patients with Metabolic Syndrome in Hadhramout, Republic of Yemen
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 21 No. 2 (2017),
Page 389-396
The aim of our work is to determine the frequency of metabolic syndrome with age and sex difference analysis. This is a cross-sectional study conducted at Al-Rayan Hospital, Mukalla, Hadhramout, Republic of Yemen, from 4/2013 to 10/2014. Metabolic syndrome was estimated according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria. of 702 patients, 239 were diagnosed as metabolic syndrome (34%), females were more than males (52.7%, 47.3% respectively), and the mean age of males was significantly higher than that of females. Raised waist circumference was present in all cases, and was higher in males, followed by diabetics with no significant difference. This was followed by hypertension, systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly higher in males, followed by triglycerides which was non-significantly higher in males, the least frequent component was HDL which was significantly lower in males than females. A percentage of 50% and or more of males and female patients had four metabolic syndrome components. The percentage of metabolic syndrome was 34%. It was more common in females which affected by the syndrome earlier in age than males. Most patients had more than three component of the syndrome.
metabolic Syndrome, Age, Sex, Hadhramout, Yemen
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