Integral Inequalities for the Polar derivative and the generalized Polar derivative of complex Polynomials
University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Vol. 27 No. 2 (2023),
For a polynomial P(z) of degree n , having all zeros in |z|≤1, Malik [11] proved that for each q>0,
\(n [∫_0^{2π} |P(e^{iθ})|^q dθ] ^{1⁄q} ≤[∫_0^{2π} | 1 + e^{iθ} |^q dθ]^{1⁄q} \underset{|z|=1}{max} |P^ʹ (z)|\). In this paper we generalize the above inequality to polar derivative and generalized polar derivative, which as special cases include several known results in this area.
Polynomials, Restricted Zeros, Inequalities in the Complex Domain
How to Cite
Al-Saeedi , A. T. H., & Algawi, D. M. M. (2023). Integral Inequalities for the Polar derivative and the generalized Polar derivative of complex Polynomials. University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 27(2).
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